Estimote app is used for the management of Estimote Beacons, Stickers, and Mirrors. Connect over Bluetooth to any of your devices to manage the settings or access the built-in sensors.
One of the highlights of the app are the demos. See Estimote Monitoring in action with the Proximity demo, working both in the background and the foreground. And try different Mirror scenarios with Mirror demos.
The app allows you to securely manage the following:
- Enable/disable packets (e.g. Estimote Monitoring, iBeacon, Eddystone)
- Modify the broadcasting power and the advertising interval of each beacon
- Sync the pending settings with the Estimote Cloud
- Request the ownership transfer of your beacons
- Check the readings of accelerometer, temperature or other sensors
- See the battery status and the estimated remaining battery life with the current settings
- Update beacons’ firmware
The app works with the Proximity Beacons, Location Beacons, Location Beacons with UWB, Mirror, and Stickers. It’s only compatible with Estimote devices.
- 启用/禁用分组(例如Estimote监测,iBeacon显示,埃迪斯通)
- 修改广播功率和每个信标中的发布时间间隔
- 同步与Estimote云挂起设置
- 申请信标的所有权转移
- 检查加速度计,温度或其他传感器的读数
- 查看电池状态和估计剩余电池寿命与当前设置
- 更新信标固件